Monday, July 6, 2009

My last attempt at interneting

Disclaimer- this is just a one in the morning freehand account of a wave of my thoughts at this present time, you can either let them carry you out to sea or just step back on to the safety of the shore.

since i started this blog at the beginning of my self-exploration at circle acres, i have had a tremendous amount of thoughts/theories come through my head when i have had the time enough to stare off and get lost in thought about my surroundings and how i want them to affect me in my day to day routine of life from now on! even though i still haven't had enough time yet in my young life to dismantle all of the ideas of this civilized lifestyle that i was born into, i have come to the point in my life that i want to experience an everyday existence with out the modern day necessities that the peers of mine cling to with such an unknowingly strong apparition. for me the idea of making the time to get to know my neighbor's in my community(young or old) for who they are and what they may or may not know that could contribute to my life face to face, which i feel is way more beneficial to our community who will and can provide the basic needs to sustain a beaming life that is free from the never ending need to know what your friends next update in life will be. so sit back and take along look around where you are reading this and survey your surroundings(at work, coffee shop, alone) and tell me straight to my face that an online community can help feed, teach and nurture this dying generation of bumbling technocrats.  well i know it is all fine and dandy to sit around a group of friends and only be looking at your iphone well i want to talk, and i am not going to sit idly by watching you destroy my thoughts of what it is to have a friend after all, so i will be constantly searching for a way to live this fantasy life of mine out from under the radar of something trace coined so beautifully as Uncle TV. but now i am sad to say that i am upping the ante of dismantling the notion that a life on the internet is more satisfying than the one that you are a part of right now even if you dont see it yet, so here's to you Aunt interenet our time was short with you compared to the irreparable damage you have done to my everyday community and its ever changing web of morals. and p.s. your house reeks of stale apathy.
here's some pictures and insight cause thats what you came for, so if you didnt see it coming then you have your blinders still on, but this will actually be my last post while i fight off this depressing fucking disease that has plagued me since i fell into the dial-up lifestyle.

any comments can be mailed
160 a.w. buckner rd
siler city, nc 27344

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