Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kollapse Fest

This trip has been a long awaited one that is the one i took last weekend with Noel and Danielle to Richmond,Va to mingle with a bunch of krusty punks at the 2nd annual Kollapse fest. So i don't know why i decided to give myself a stick and poke tattoo the night before even though i knew the consequences of it getting infected while mingling with people in a large quantity who are either more or less dirtier than i was at that time, but i said what the fuck and did it any ways, but i am glad it came out better than most jailhouse tats i've seen. we were probally the only people at that show that left at 7 in the morning to get there, but we wanted to do some exploring at a record show Vinyl Conflict before we went to the venue which opened at 4pm and was slated to have 14 bands playing. 
When we first arrived at the venue and were waiting around to find some trouble to get into, Noel had to first prove his masculinity and overall strength by beating me in a arm wrestling competition on some chicken crates that were in the back of the van and he won only because i was off balance, you know.

Probably some of the biggest highlights of the show were the bands and not the generally chaotic nature of these punks who had crowded into this awesome venue which i spent most of my time up top leaning on the balcony with a cigarette, but i would have to say that Appalachian Terror Unit, Critical Issue, and Direct Control which our friend Mike plays drums in. The show lasted until almost 1:30 am and i had already taken a nap in the van missing a few bands cause it was way past my farm bedtime that i have been accustomed too, then we drove to Fredricksburg, Va to stay at Danielle's parents house for the night.
When we awoke and decided to venture out into the suburban mess of a town that we were in to get coffee, there had been talk of maybe doing some day-time dumpstering. So after checking starbuck's dumpster before getting coffee and finding nothing, we headed down to a grocery store i had never heard of called Bloom where we when we open the first dumpster and saw all the fruit and vegetable's for the taking we knew that we had hit pay dirt, and they even had a separate dumpster for bread and other perishables like hotdogs which we didn't take. Even though the day-time dumpstering expedition did have one casualty being in Noel cutting his hand inside the dumpster(dont worry it hasnt fallen off yet), i believe that it was a 100% success. Also it was by far one of the biggest and baddest finds i have ever been part of, and we are still eating off of it 5 days later.
This would be one of the first fine meals that we would be cooking with our payload, even though the pizza was out of Danielle's parents downstairs freezer it still made for a fine mid afternoon snack along with some garlic and cheese bread.
You will never see the pizza fully cooked cause when i took it out of the oven and started to drain the abundance of juice and grease of it and in turn dumping the pizza face first into the sink, but dont worry we scooped it out and put it all back together and then called it a twice dumpstered pizza for obvious reasons.
Here are some sandwiches that i whipped up while sitting in the back of the van during our 8 hr snow adventure back home to Silk Hope which is twice as long as it took to get up there, and since it was snowing we couldnt pick up the 6 laying hens that we were going to get on the way back, so there went our farm fresh eggs for a couple of days.
All in all a great trip since i hadnt been to Richmond in quite a number of years, and had a most crusty blast of a time, weather permitting.

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